Everything starts with a simple observation


of projects do not meet efficiency standards

for over 90% of projects, 
15% to 50% of total effort is spent
in non-productive activities,

such as unnecessary meetings, or huge volumes of emails to share basic information, collect statuses and updates, or to fix problems that could have been avoided with proper processes

Most common causes for project inefficiency are:

  • A high cost of information collection, updating and sharing
  • Top management needs are not statisfied by available reporting
  • Poor decision-making processes, causing delays and missed opportunities
  • Governance inadapted to the various dimensions of project / program

Some visible consequences are:

  • Teams are diverted from production and spend too much time in reporting and meetings
  • Management gets inconsistant information on status or problems, and lacks the visibility they need to make the right decisions
  • Delays and overspending appear, and the business ambition of the project is progressively reduced
The founding principle of our solutions is to reduce non-productive tasks, improve visibility and collaboration, and achieve project performance and efficiency
The ultimate standalone solution for your projects

Digipmo is our 100% digital project management solution to manage your business or IT projects, encompassing all aspects of project management in a single user-friendly place.

This solution is suitable for organization who are lauching projects and want to benefit from the latest digital solution to manage their projects. Visit our dedicated website on digipmo.com.

Main features:

  • Project planning
  • Project monitoring: progress and alerts dashboards, KPIs and reporting
  • Multi-dimensional management (geographical, functional, organizational)
  • Risk management
  • Issue management
  • Collaboration
  • Workflow management

You benefit from first concrete results in a few days only

Whether you are launching a new program, or dealing with projects already launched, we have a solution for you
Based on the priorities you define…


  • Assess existing projects in a specific area
  • Design Program Management for a new Program
  • Close the Design phase asap
  • Speed-up issue resolution 3 months before go-live
  • Define and implement process efficiency KPIs
  • Improve visibility on issues on critical path
  • Re-plan a delayed project
  • Better manager the risks of a program
  • etc
… we review your existing processes and benchmark them with best practices


  • Planning methodology and monitoring
  • Status reporting (progress, issues, risks, etc)
  • Risk and issues management
  • Budget control and Change request management
  • Governance and escalation path
  • Test management, Cutover management
  • etc
… we build concrete recommendations with an actions plan confirmed with you…

The content of this approach, taylored to your context, will encompass:

  • Process adjustments
  • Templates or tools adjustments
  • Reporting adjustments
  • Governance and meetings adjustments
  • Occasionally some adjustments in organization
… and we start implementing first changes, immediately with your teams

with a focus on “quick wins” to create momentum and onboard teams.

We review immediately the outcomes with you, to confirm the solution meets all you requirements and adjust if necessary.

If you are looking for quick and concrete results, do not hesitate and contact us today to discuss, without any obligation, about the solutions that could be applied to your context. Please also check our Digital solutions for projects and processes.

You are interested, or you simply have a question? please leave your name and email here and we will reply to you

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